Monday, December 26, 2016

The Rise of CryptoCurrency

MyCryptoCoin MCC

The world is changing. FAST

Worldwide, we are becoming more and more interdependent

on each other everyday.

Anyone who is informed about cryptocurrency knows that

it is the future of world commerce.

Although many cryptocurrencies exist already, all but a handful

of coins are merely bitcoin copies which have deficiencies with

respect to transaction speed necessary for use in daily commerce.

Those inside the cryptocoin scene know, when the copycat

coins have come and gone, that there will be a handful of

coins remaining that will provide everyday use cryptocurrency

to the entire world.

They are, bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), NXT, 

and the soon to launch MyCryptoCoin (MCC).

Thankfully, during growth our members have enjoyed

enormous gains every step of the way.

Of these top few, MCC is the coin designed for mass distribution

and usage due to its “heavy load” blockchain technology that

improves its lightning speed performance with each new user.

This separates MCC from the rest, making it a perfect fit for 

everyday transactions.

MCC features a Universal wallet which allows for worldwide

bridge payments and transactions using any type of currency

including fiat paper money, electronic payment systems, and


Advanced capabilities in smart contracts, micro-services, and

decentralized applications are a few of the amazing possibilities

interwoven within the MCC core technologies.

Take the first step now by registering your interest at

Then remember to come to our webinar @ 1400Hr hrs MT on Monday 26th December (Use enter Denver as location 1 and your own location to check your local time)

Join our live Webinars Every DayFor times and Webinar logins on go to the Markethive calendar:

Direct access to our webinar room is at: https://www.TheHiveRoom

David Ogden
Owner @ My CryptoWorld


Steven Cavan

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