If you"re selling ANYTHING... then you"re going to LOVE today"s episode.
Because you likely have ONE THING you do that KILLS your sales, recruiting or enrolling into your business.
And I can almost guarantee if you change this ONE THING you can instantly feel more powerful, in control and at ease when talking to your next prospect.
Watch this video because when you see it you"ll immediately know what to do.
Then, see your sales increase virtually overnight.
Only someone in the world who"s earned 1 Million Dollars.
Well, I believe YOU have the power to do the same.
Whether it"s on the internet, off the internet. I actually think that the way that you can earn a million dollars is not as important that you CAN do it.
So today, I"m going to talk about the secret that you can use to make millions and millions of dollars.
Are you ready for it?
Because you"re going to hear principles, and keys to unlocking these million dollar secrets FAST.
Look at any big superhero movie and you"ll see someone that saves people.
They are usually damaged in one way or another... they put themselves aside -- usually causing conflict in their lives...
All to save other people.
...For the "greater good".
... Because they are "needed".
In any movie you"ll find those who save -- and those who need saving.
Look at your everyday life and you"ll find evidence of WHO you see yourself as.
Truth is, I think that both are a little bit out of place and there’s a different perspective which is more effective for living an extraordinary life.
P.S. Did you know every Tuesday night we hold a private, member"s only event where we focus on ONE topic to take your business and life to the next level?
It"s called the Next Level Mastermind, and if you"re a member, you already have access.
If you’re not, go through today"s Daily Shortcut, access the bonus content, and get access to our community.
" The Greatest Wealth Transfer of History is in Front of Us "
Debt Collapse & Cashless Society
Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !
" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
– and a big loss for liberty, freedom, and privacy "
In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money
For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk!
Most people are rational and respond to adverse financial incentives (like negative interest rates) by doing whatever they can to preserve their capital by moving their money to the safest possible banks plus "Being Their Own Bank " using the latest blockchain technology financial applications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies.
How To Protect & Profit
Precious Metals & Cryptocurrencies
Access Free Training & Services
Be Your Own Bank 2.0
Click - Connect with FB - Follow Steps
Earn FreeGold & Cryptocurrencies
Financial Education & LIVE Training & Wallets 2.0
GOLDMoney Wallet + XIN-Wallet + Auto BITCOIN Income
XIN-Crypto from the NEW Blockchain INFINITY ECONOMICS
Just ICO 10th Jan 2017 - Far Better Than BITCOIN Blockchain
XIN-Coins price will skyrocket as Bitcoin did after ICO in 2008
" The Greatest Wealth Transfer of History is in Front of Us "
Debt Collapse & Cashless Society
Free Training & Services
Click - Connect with FB - Follow Steps
Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !
" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
– and a big loss for liberty, freedom, and privacy "
In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money ...
For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk!
Earn Free Gold & Cryptocurrencies
Click - Connect with FB - Follow Steps
GOLD 2.0 + XIN-Wallet/Coins + Auto Bitcoin Income
XIN-Crypto from the NEW Blockchain INFINITY ECONOMICS
Far better than Bitcoin Blockchain - faster/no delays - Just ICO 10th January 2017
XIN-Coins value will skyrocket as Bitcoin did after ICO in 2008
I want to make sure that you really pay attention, take notes, and memorize what he"s saying because today is the first day of the rest of your life, and you can experience an amazing change today.
Step 1. Create account by using the link and secret code
Step 2. Pay admin 10$ from your external Bitcoin Wallet (Coinbase, Blockchain, ...)
Step 4. After admin is confirmed... Send first $10 donation to the bitcoin wallet that is there, if there isnt a bitcoin wallet´, then log out and login back in and send the donation to the wallet id you see.
Step 5. Per the text on the page that pops up WAIT until confirmed, once confirmed... promote link with secret code http://www.giftmebitcoins.com/( Sign Up Secret Code: s25#!mD50 ). This is our "main link" - not affiliate links - "unique" matrix 2x2 for all donations autofilled by the system
If you"re not making sales in your online business.
If you"re not recruiting reps into your network marketing deal.
If you"re not getting the firework-inducing love and affection you desire at home.
AND you EXPECT it to turn around for you in ONE MOMENT?
You"ve been LIED to.
Everyone is looking for the ONE magic moment where the skies open up and Angels sing in glorious harmony.
And when this doesn’t happen?
You get depressed, start looking for a quick fixes (new jobs, new deals to promote, new marketing strategies... even a new spouse if you let it go far enough)...
And it"s ok... and it"s not your fault.
Society has LIED to you about BIG BREAKTHROUGHS.
And today I want to hand you the truth.
This is something even more powerful than a BIG breakthrough...
Last week the Winklevoss Twins had their Bitcoin ETF denied and panic selling ensued, it’s a good time to talk about what to do when the prices drop sharply in a short period of time. Bitcoin was at a high of almost $1300 and within hours had dropped below $1000. It appears to have slowed down around there, now having climbed back up to over $1100.
If you’re business-minded, you already see where the opportunity was here. If you had been able to get anyone to sell you bitcoins at around $1000 as it fell, you’d already have made more than $100 on each one. That’s a tidy, fast profit. Bitcoin traders love the volatility of the market.
Now of course there is a problem with this, in that you have to know when to sell and buy, and most people do not have the time for this.
The solution that many people are turning to is Trade Coin Club which has an automated trading system which not only trades in bitcoin but other popular Cryptocurrency such as Ether or Dash plus others. This creates many more opportunities to put your bitcoin to work and earn more bitcoins as the markets move up and down.
So how do you get started. The first step is to purchase some bitcoin. Then transfer them to Trade Coin Club, Minimum 0.3 Bitcoin or up to 5 Bitcoin. Once you have bitcoins in your trading wallet, you need to set your level of risk and put on a trade on Monday. Your coins will be traded until Friday and you can see the results prior to setting a new trade on the following Monday.
Trade Coin Club cost nothing to start with, however once you start making a profit you will start to incur some regular charges. You can also earn commissions for introducing other people to help offset these charges.
I have previously traded currencies but Cryptocurrency are a more volatile investment which is why Trade coin club have a built in stop loss system to protect you bitcoins and reduce possible losses.
If you have any questions, I suggest suggest you join without obligation and I will be happy to contact you and discuss the matter further
Lean in closely for today"s message because this is about your job.
It"s important you and the ones you care about see this message today, because if you"re a "middle class" working family (or know of someone who is in one...)
... there is a BIG problem plaguing your future and if you don"t pay close attention to what"s important, you"re about to get a rude awakening.
It"s all revealed here (who"s affected and what you can do about it)