Make Money when Bitcoin Crashes
Last week the Winklevoss Twins had their Bitcoin ETF denied and panic selling ensued, it’s a good time to talk about what to do when the prices drop sharply in a short period of time. Bitcoin was at a high of almost $1300 and within hours had dropped below $1000. It appears to have slowed down around there, now having climbed back up to over $1100.
If you’re business-minded, you already see where the opportunity was here. If you had been able to get anyone to sell you bitcoins at around $1000 as it fell, you’d already have made more than $100 on each one. That’s a tidy, fast profit. Bitcoin traders love the volatility of the market.
Now of course there is a problem with this, in that you have to know when to sell and buy, and most people do not have the time for this.
The solution that many people are turning to is Trade Coin Club which has an automated trading system which not only trades in bitcoin but other popular Cryptocurrency such as Ether or Dash plus others. This creates many more opportunities to put your bitcoin to work and earn more bitcoins as the markets move up and down.
So how do you get started. The first step is to purchase some bitcoin. Then transfer them to Trade Coin Club, Minimum 0.3 Bitcoin or up to 5 Bitcoin. Once you have bitcoins in your trading wallet, you need to set your level of risk and put on a trade on Monday. Your coins will be traded until Friday and you can see the results prior to setting a new trade on the following Monday.
Trade Coin Club cost nothing to start with, however once you start making a profit you will start to incur some regular charges. You can also earn commissions for introducing other people to help offset these charges.
I have previously traded currencies but Cryptocurrency are a more volatile investment which is why Trade coin club have a built in stop loss system to protect you bitcoins and reduce possible losses.
If you have any questions, I suggest suggest you join without obligation and I will be happy to contact you and discuss the matter further
David Ogden
Steven Cavan
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